Our involvement in our Leesburg community

Movers For Moms Program
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK first launched the MOVERS FOR MOMS® Program in 2007 which seeks to recognize moms in crisis on Mother's Day by arranging delivery of gifts to women living in local shelters on the holiday weekend. This year our team was able to come up with over 2,000 Donations for those mothers in need. We would love to thank those who participated in the program to help raise all of these donations we could have not done it without them. We hope that we were able to make Mothers Day a happier day for them. If you would like to participate next year feel free to give our office a call!

Movers for Mutts®
For the second year in a row, we at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK of Leesburg will organize a collection campaign to benefit the animals at Pet Alliance of Orlando's shelters. Pet Alliance does amazing work in our community, providing shelter and medical care to over 6,000 animals a year and helping to find safe and stable homes for the animals. During our MOVERS FOR MUTTS® campaign, we work with local businesses to collect items for the animals in Pet Alliance's care. Send us an email if you'd like to donate items or if your organization would like to help us collect items.
Check out an up-to-date wishlist here.(opens in a new window)

Local Partners
Harbor House of Central Florida
Harbor House of Central Florida is a national leader in domestic abuse intervention and prevention. They provide emergency shelter, legal services, and outreach, such as counselling and safety-planning. They provide children services, ensuring that children receive three meals a day, and also run the Paws for Peace kennel to ensure people's pets are not left behind in an abusive home.

Junior Service League of Port St. Joe
The Junior Service League of Port Saint Joe, Florida, was organized in the Fall of 1996, by twenty Charter Members whose goals were to foster interest in social, economic, educational, cultural, and civic conditions of the community. This organization of women devotes its time to improving the Port St. Joe community for all. Throughout the year, the League hosts several fundraisers that directly benefit the community, particularly the children of Gulf County. Last November, Hurricane Michael wreaked havoc on their beloved community. The League organized a toy drive to bring a little cheer to families whose lives had been upended. We sent our team down to move the donations to the community center where volunteers helped enthusiastic kids pick out their favorite toys and get a picture with Santa.
Orlando Union Rescue Mission
We are proud to support the Orlando Union Rescue Mission in our annual Movers for Moms® collection campaign. Since 1948, they have been serving the Central Florida region by providing nutritious meals, temporary housing, and education for adults and youth to those in need.

Pathway Homes of Florida
Pathway Homes of Florida provides services to Central Floridians experiencing homelessness. They believe in a Housing First approach, which provides housing as support towards recovery and independence. Their evidence-based approach has led to 93% of their clients staying housed, with 98% increasing their incomes, and 100% having access to primary health care services and reduced ER visits. We're proud to support Pathway's work by providing moving services to their clients as they transition into permanent housing.
The Maker Effect
We're excited to partner with The Maker Effect Foundation, organizers of the Maker Faire Orlando and the MakerFX Makerspace in Orlando. In addition to organizing these incredible community resources, The Maker Effect also works in K-12 classrooms to inspire the makers of the future. We're inspired by their collaborative and innovative work and are proud to offer our moving services for their big events.
When Maker Effect heard that hospitals were in need of face shields during the pandemic they knew how they could help. Using the tools in their makerspace, they produced ten thousand face shields for local hospitals. Our team gladly pitched in by providing the boxes used to deliver the shields to health care workers.
The Mustard Seed of Central Florida
The Mustard Seed is a furniture and clothing bank that assists more than 3,000 people every year as they transition into new homes. Around 97 percent of those people are economically disadvantaged, and the remaining three percent experienced natural disasters which left them without the means to recover a stable future. The Mustard Seed supports people by completely furnishing their new homes with everything they need from furniture to appliances, toys, and decor. We are proud to assist them in their mission, by helping them deliver these furnishings to their program participants as they move into their new homes!
The Youth Advocate Program of Orlando
The Youth Advocate Program (YAP) is a nonprofit dedicated to working with communities to provide holistic behavioral health services and other community programming. YAP of Orlando provides furniture to families in Orange, Oceola, and Seminole counties who have been displaced from their homes by natural disaster, financial hardship, or other causes. We are happy to donate our moving services by delivering furniture to the families who need it.
Toys for Tots
Toy for Tots(opens in a new window) was created by the U.S. Marine Corp to make a difference during the holidays for children. There are many individuals struggling to make ends meet in Leesburg. Toys for Tots takes new, unwrapped toys and delivers them right before the holidays. Donation boxes are dropped throughout the town. Our TWO MEN AND A TRUCK team help collect toys to make the holidays extra special for the kids in need.