Packing Checklist For Your Next Move

When it comes to home moving, arguably nothing is more important to a successful experience than properly packing your belongings.

Packing goes a long way in keeping you organized and on track during the move and is critical to keeping your belongings safe and protected throughout the moving process. If you’re going to focus on doing one thing right with your next move, make sure it’s in the packing department! 

If you’ve never packed for a home move before, it may seem overwhelming, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! We recommend our customers use a packing checklist for moving to help keep them on the right path as they get ready for moving day. This packing to do list will give you a roadmap to how far along you should be in the process so that you’re not left scrambling as your movers arrive.

  1. 1
    Step 1
    2-3 Months Before Moving Day

    Take Inventory of Your Home

    The first step on this packing checklist requires you going through your entire home and taking inventory of what you have. Go room by room and highlight what’s there and what needs to be packed.

    Once you have done this, determine how many moving boxes you’re going to need to pack away all your things. 

    Start Packing Away Non-Essentials 

    The best way to handle packing is by chipping away at the process slowly, and you can do this by packing away things you know you aren’t going to need between now and moving day. Doing this day by day leading up to the move will make everything much more manageable! 

  2. 2
    Step 2
    One Month Before Moving Day

    Purchase Moving Boxes and Totes

    Now that you have an inventory list and know what needs to be packed, it’s time to get the necessary supplies. You’ll need moving boxes and totes, as well as supplies like duct tape, packing paper, scissors, and more. 

    Consider purchasing alternative packing box types like dish barrels, wardrobe boxes, and other specialty boxes for the different types of items around your home. 

    Continue Packing Non-Essentials

    Much like the section above, you’ll want to continue working at packing away your non-essential items leading up to moving day to get more of the packing process completed in advance. 

  3. 3
    Step 3
    One Week Before Moving Day

    Begin Ramping Up Your Packing 

    Now that you’re in the home stretch before moving day, it’s time to get after it and finalize the process. Go room by room around your home, leaving your kitchen and bathroom items for last as you’ll need those up until moving day. 

    Pack away your clothes that won’t be needed during this time and be sure to properly label each moving box with markers. If you find there is more or less than originally packed, be sure to contact your move consultant and let them know if you’ve decided to hire professional movers

  4. 4
    Step 4
    One Day Before Moving Day

    Determine What to Do With Food

    If there is food you plan on keeping, now is the time to place it in a cooler so it won’t go bad. If not, you can throw it away as it can’t be transported by professional movers. 

    Label Boxes and Place in A Central Location

    Whether you’ve decided to hire professional movers or do the move yourself, you’ll still want to clearly label all boxes with a marker and place them in a central location in your home. This creates a much more seamless process for loading a moving truck, as everything is one spot, which saves time. 

    Pack An Essentials Box 

    This is an important step of packing. Pack yourself an essentials box before moving day, featuring any clothes you might need, phone chargers, personal records, and toiletries. It can take a while to get everything unpacked at your next home, so you’ll want to make sure these items are kept separately for easy access.

  5. 5
    Step 5
    Moving Day

    One Final Walk Through

    Before you plan on loading a truck or before movers are expected to arrive, go around your home and check each room to make sure all items are packed away properly. Leave yourself a few extra moving boxes in case you run into a scenario where you forgot to pack something so you aren’t scrambling to find a solution. 

    Be Ready To Answer Questions

    Even though you have properly labeled each moving box, be ready to answer any questions professional movers might have if you’ve hired them, including what is in each box and where they need to go, or if there is something with a high potential for damage in the box.

    If you’re looking to complete a home move soon and need the help of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, click here to get a free moving quote!