Gear up for college move in day with tips from the moving experts!

A student moving into college housing

College moving season is right around the corner! For many students and their parents, this comes with mixed emotions – from excitement to nervousness and everything in between – as there is a lot to think about, whether it’s signing up for classes, organizing and packing up items, or last-minute shopping for the items still needed.

Here at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, we know the time leading up to move-in day and the day of can be stressful. Thankfully for you, we have your back on how to navigate it with some expert college moving tips so your move can go as smoothly as possible!

To kick off this blog, multi-unit franchisee Tim Lightner has some advice and recommends packing a bag of essentials that will be needed right away. Items like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents are good things to consider.

“This will save time and stress during the initial hours of moving in. Second, label all boxes clearly with their contents and the room they belong to, so unloading and organizing is more efficient,” Lightner said. “Third, plan for parking and unloading logistics ahead of time, as campus move-in days can be hectic. Knowing where to park and having a strategy for unloading can make the process smoother and faster."

Below you will find additional moving tips to help you prepare for college move-in day!

Create a moving plan

With most things in life, creating a plan is key to making sure everything is completed and ready to go ahead of moving day. When you create this plan, start with building out a checklist that has all the items you’re looking to take with you and a list of items you may still need to buy. As you start packing you can check the items off the list, that way you can easily see what still needs to be completed.

Look over the layout of your new space
Most dorm spaces and apartments have different layouts, so before you overpack, take the time to search online to find out the size and dimensions of your new living space. This will save you the stress of overpacking and the stress of wondering where all your items are going to go.

Go through and declutter

As we all know, mostly all college living spaces are on the smaller side, which is why you want to make sure you don’t take too much with you and then have your space be filled with clutter. Before you start packing, it’s a great time to go through all your items and see what can be kept, donated, and thrown out. From the items you kept, go through them again and determine what you need to bring to your college space!

Pick out your favorite items to make your new space feel like home

Moving away from family, friends, and a space that you’re comfortable with isn’t an easy task. So, to make the transition a little bit easier, make sure to bring some items that put a smile on your face, whether that’s photos, décor, or fun pillows, to name a few. This often helps brighten up the room as well!

Don’t forget the basics!

While we talk a lot about being prepared and not overpacking, it’s important to think about the necessary items you will use almost every day! Cleaning supplies, racks and storage bins, trash cans and bags, hygiene products, a first aid kit, and even some extension cords. These items are basic but can easily slip someone’s mind as they gear up and pack up for college living.

If you have a college move coming up and want to leave the heavy lifting to the experts, click here to find the closest TWO MEN AND A TRUCK location!