15 tips when moving with pets

One area of moving that is easy to overlook but very important to consider is what you’ll do during the move if you have pets.

Often times, pets can be territorial and anxious about moving to an unfamiliar setting, which is why we’re breaking down some of our best tips to help with your pets’ transition to a new home. Helping our little companions with this process will ensure they grow to love their new home space!

Whether your pet is a cat, dog, fish, or any other small furry friend, these are a few suggestions that can ease any concerns.


  • Be sure to do an introduction to the movers that your dog will be around during the entire process. Dogs can be protective over their families, so familiarizing them with the new faces will help to ease their worries.
  • Bring their favorite toys or other comfort items to keep them calm and comfortable. Incorporating these items in the new home will make them feel more at ease.
  • Treats! Dogs love treats and will be very pleased with you if you bring along their favorite treats to keep them preoccupied. Dogs can have a one-track mind when it comes to food anyway, so this will be a good distraction amid the chaos.
  • Have a plan when it comes to the actual moving of your pets, as moving companies cannot handle this part. The best plan would be to transport them in a crate in your own car alongside your family where they would feel most comfortable.
  • Stay up to date with their health by ensuring they have all their necessary treatments or medications from the vet, especially if you’re moving far enough away to require a new vet office.  . If your new home will be near a woody area or one with lots of other dogs, you will want to make sure your dog stays healthy through any new exposures they may experience.


  • Cats can be hesitant around strangers and dislike commotion, so be sure to keep them in a calm, quiet, and trusted location in your home during the packing or unpacking process. Check in on them during this process to calm their anxiety.
  • Bring a crate with a bed in it for your cat to rest in during your drive to the new home. Put any familiar toys and treats in the crate to keep your cat preoccupied.
  • Introduce them to the new home slowly, as too much all at once is not good for cats. Give them time to adjust to their new space and they will come around!


  • To begin the relocation process, make sure the fish tank is cleaned out right before you make the move.
  • Have a secure place to transport your fish. Place them in a proper container with fresh water and food for the trip.
  • When you arrive at your new home, set up the same tank so they feel they are still in a familiar place. You want them to feel at home even though the environment may look a bit different to them.

Small Pets:

  • Other pets could include anything like bunnies, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, and more. These little pets also need your help in getting acquainted with their new homes.
  • House these pets in a trustworthy cage so they can’t get out during the transportation process.
  • They may feel better if you provide them with familiar toys and a private area in their cage where they can unwind and hide from any chaos.
  • Make sure their cage has enough food/water, is clean, and kept at the proper temperature to ensure maximum comfortability during the process.

We hope these suggestions ease any concerns you have with transporting your pets during this hectic time. Follow these tips and your pets will get acclimated in no time. Your pets will soon love the new place as much as you do!


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