Follow these 6 important safety tips as a new homeowner

Being a new homeowner is an exciting and new experience as it signifies a huge steppingstone in your life with making such a big purchase.

With this huge step comes  responsibility, which is why we are breaking down 6  safety measures to consider after the big move. With our more than 35 years of experience in moving people in and out of their homes, we’ve picked up on some helpful tips to share with you.

Check out this safety checklist to ensure your new home experience will be a safe space moving forward!

Electrical hazards

Follow your gut when you notice something off regarding anything electrical. Hazardous situations may arise from a damaged cord, wire, or outlet. It’s best to get it checked out by an electrician to ensure a problem doesn’t arise. Make sure everything is working properly and in the case of an emergency, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the electrical box.

Locating the water and piping system

Take the time to locate the water and piping system so you can familiarize yourself with the inner workings along with how to shut your water off. This is prudent information in the case of a broken pipe or flooding. By knowing this information, you would be able to locate it and turn off the water quickly in any emergency.

Invest in a security system

Nowadays, it’s very common to have security cameras surrounding your home. This could be a Ring camera on your doorbell or some sort of alarm system that will alert you when there is an entry breach. This is always a smart idea in the case of a burglary attempt, or just for monitoring any strange behavior or activity taking place near your home.

Check your smoke alarms and detectors

Ensure that your new home has working smoke alarms and that you and your whole family know how to operate them. Look around to see where they are and if there are enough alarms in the proper places as well.

Check the battery life and ensure you have backup batteries in an accessible place. It also doesn’t hurt to test these alarm systems so you know they will work when an emergency arises. Knowing how to function these devices will save your family from panicking and not knowing what to do when the time comes.

First aid equipment

Be sure to have a designated area in the house for first aid supplies. This could be anything from band aids, bandage wraps, ice packs, antibiotics/creams, thermometer, and so forth. Also make sure you have other emergency items such as flashlights, non-perishable foods, water, batteries, multi-purpose tools, medications, etc. readily available.

Create emergency plans

There are extreme situations that can arise where it is crucial to be prepared, such as tornados, hurricanes, flooding, fires, and so forth. Sitting down with your family to discuss a detailed plan in the event of these emergency situations is critical.

For example, understanding where to go in your home for tornado shelter, how to react to a fire, or having an escape route. It is also a good idea to have emergency contact information in an easily accessible place, especially if there are kids in the household. This way they know exactly who they can call in an emergency situation, especially if parents aren’t home or available.

Follow these safety measures and you and your family will feel more at ease in your new home. It is always wise to be safe rather than sorry, so be sure to educate the whole household on the proper safety measures to be taken. Once this important step is taken you are ready to enjoy this exciting new chapter in your life!

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® is the first and largest franchised moving company in the United States. Let us help move you forward! For more helpful tips and information on moving services subscribe to our blog and like us on Facebook