6 home safety checklist items for new homeowners to review

Family moving into new home

Becoming a new homeowner brings along a lot of mixed emotions, from excitement to nervousness – and possibly stress – about the moving process.

We know handling all of this can be tough and it can feel like you may be forgetting something until you settle in. That is why we put together a checklist of home safety items for you so you have one less thing to worry about as you prepare to take on this new adventure in life.

These will help you ease into your new home and bring peace of mind so you can get back to a comfortable lifestyle!

Set aside a space for first aid supplies

Typically, it’s not often that first aid supplies are needed, but it’s important to have them so if something does happen, you’re prepared. Once you move in, make it a priority to find a spot to keep your first aid supplies and notify everyone in the house where they will be. While doing this, go through the supplies to see what you have and check to see when some of the products are good until.

Items like creams/antibiotics, ice packs, band-aids, thermometers, etc. are good things to have on hand. Other items like water bottles, batteries, flashlights, non-perishable foods, and multi-purpose tools are also items to think about. You may not use these items often, but the rare time you do need them, you will be happy you set them aside.

Create an emergency plan

Emergencies come when we least expect it, which is why it’s crucial to be as prepared as possible if something does come up. From severe weather to a fire and any other emergency, it’s a good idea to prepare a plan for the whole family on what to do if something like this occurs.  

When the plan is completed, get the whole family together to go through it and see if there are any questions. Another tip: after going through the emergency plan, run through it as it’s key to have everyone on the same page if an emergency were to arise.

Check on smoke alarms and detectors

Set aside time on move-in day to locate all the smoke alarms and detectors in your new home. Doing this will help you determine if you have enough of them, and while doing that, you can test out each one to make sure they’re working properly. While you’re testing the smoke alarms and detectors, note the type of batteries they take, that way, you can keep extra on hand in case they need to be changed sooner than originally expected.

Look over electrical

Safety is key, and when you move into a new home, you want to make sure everything is looking good and safe for everyone living there or who comes to visit. Set aside some time to walk through your new home and make sure there is no damage to the cords, wires, or outlets. If you see anything that doesn’t look right, call an electrician to have them check on it for you.

Know where your water and piping system is located

As we said earlier, emergencies can happen when we least expect them, which is why it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with everything ahead of time, even when it comes to knowing where your water and piping system is. Once you locate your water and pipping system, make sure you know how to turn it off and that you have a good idea of how to operate it in case a future situation arises.

Research security systems to see if it’s the right fit for you

Everyone likes to have a little extra security and security cameras around the outside of the home offer that. Security cameras are very common nowadays and can be purchased at different price points depending on what someone is looking for.  


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