Finding the picture-perfect Halloween costume isn’t always an easy task, but here at TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®, we have your back as we’re finishing up sharing boxtume ideas.
If you haven’t seen some of our other blogs about Boxtumes, they’re costumes made from boxes that are budget-friendly and can mostly be made from items around your home. Our last idea for the 2024 Halloween season is a Polaroid picture! This is a simple and fun boxtume that will make for a great photo opportunity no matter the occasion.
Follow along with the steps below to create this fun boxtume!
Step 1: Take a large box and cut out a square shape. It may be best to trace it out first, as you will want to leave more room at the bottom, so you have space to add a saying.
Step 2: Once you have your shape, cut out an opening in the middle.
Step 3: Next, take white felt or white posterboard, and cover your box.
Step 4: When the box is dry, type up a saying you would like on the bottom or free-hand it on poster board, and cut it out to fit on the bottom.
Looking for other ideas? Click here for more DIY boxtume ideas!
We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween, be sure sure to tag us on social media with your boxtume pictures!