Our service to the Tampa community
Movers for Moms®
Movers for Moms® is a community-based program seeking to make life easier for less fortunate women forced to stay in shelters on Mother's Day. All TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® locations across the country collect essential items for donation to community shelters. All of our amazing collection Partners this year helped us raise a total of 7,125 items for The Spring Of Tampa Bay and Sunrise Of Pasco.
https://www.wmnf.org(opens in a new window)
https://www.troy.edu/about-us/troy-support-centers/tampa.html (opens in a new window)
http://blake.mysdhc.org/(opens in a new window)
https://www.fnbpasco.com/(opens in a new window)
https://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/schools/0073/lennard(opens in a new window)
http://www.templeterrace.com/168/Seniors(opens in a new window)
http://www.masontitle.com/(opens in a new window)
https://pascosheriff.com/(opens in a new window)
https://tampa-fl.themoneystore.com/(opens in a new window)
http://www.tampadayschool.com/(opens in a new window)
https://templeterrace.com/162/Parks-Recreation(opens in a new window)

Metropolitan Ministries
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK is honored to once again partner with Metropolitan Ministries.