¡Tu equipo de mudanza de Scottsdale desde 2001!
¡Bienvenido a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® de Scottsdale! Nuestra franquicia ha prestado servicios a las comunidades de Phoenix y Scottsdale desde 2001. Somos una compañía que pertenece y está dirigida por una familia, y trabajamos mayoritariamente con mudanzas residenciales y comerciales. Estamos aquí para hacer que tu mudanza sea lo más sencilla posible, para ti y tu familia. Ya sea que te hayas mudado muchas
veces antes o que esta sea tu primera mudanza, estamos aquí para hacer este proceso lo más sencillo posible.
Quédate tranquilo de que TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® está aquí para quedarse, y con nuestra acreditación Better Business Bureau(opens in a new window) y nuestra tasa de 97 % de clientes por recomendación en toda la compañía, estamos seguros de que ¡has hecho la mejor elección al optar por nuestro equipo de Scottsdale!
Tenemos un equipo de expertos listo para hacer que tu mudanza sea tan sencilla y productiva como sea posible; invertimos muchas horas de manos de obra, fondos y capacitaciones para poder brindar a nuestros empleados las herramientas y habilidades para estimar y programar mudanzas de manera puntual. En TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Scottsdale, seguimos THE GRANDMA RULE®, que consiste en tratar y respetar a nuestros clientes de igual manera que uno haría con su abuelita.
¡Las mudanzas locales son la forma en la que comenzamos nuestra firma hace 30 años, y nos enorgullecemos de superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes! Ofrecemos personal entrenado y de experiencia comprobada para asegurarle que sus pertenencias se manejan con cuidado y garantizarle una mudanza sin problemas.
Si está cambiando de casa, terminando renovaciones o necesita una solución para objetos que simplemente no caben dentro de su hogar, encontrar un lugar para estos puede ser difícil. Nuestras unidades de almacenamiento con clima controlado pueden proporcionarle almacenamiento flexible in-situ, ya sea a corto o largo plazo.
Ya sea que se está mudando dentro de su ciudad o a otro lugar del país, nosotros lo llevaremos ahí. Desde mudanzas de larga distancia veloces hasta nuestro nuevo servicio Value Flex®, nos especializamos en mudanzas de larga distancia, en las que mantenemos sus objetos seguros y cuidados en el camino.
Al tener más de 30 años de experiencia como líderes en la industria de las mudanzas, hemos aprendido un par de cosas sobre cómo empacar eficientemente. Ofrecemos una variedad de servicios de embalaje, desde algunos pocos artículos hasta una casa o empresa completa. Si prefieres hacerlo tú mismo, nuestros locales tienen todos los suministros necesarios.
Si tiene una empresa, sabe lo importante que es evitar las interrupciones en el trabajo. Afortunadamente, nuestro cronograma flexible incluye atardeceres y fines de semana, por lo que podemos trabajar sin molestar durante el horario laboral de su empresa.
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK’s Carry Crew service allows you to hire move help by the hour to load and unload your rental truck or storage container. Our professional moving teams can provide this new moving labor service and save you the hassle of heavy lifting.
Desde 2001, hemos hecho mudanzas de departamentos, negocios, dormitorios, hogares, unidades de almacenamiento, hemos hecho mudanzas en todo Arizona, hemos cruzado los límites estatales, e incluso reorganizamos casas por dentro. Se puede afirmar que no hay trabajo demasiado grande ni pequeño, ni siquiera demasiado lejos, ¡con el que no podamos ayudarte! Al crecer y aprender año tras año, nos hemos convertido en expertos en ayudar a las personas a mudarse de un hogar a otro, de un negocio a otro. Nos damos cuenta de que mudarse puede ser agotador, así que déjanos quitarte ese peso de los hombros y encargarnos del trabajo arduo que implica tu mudanza y transportar todos tus objetos a tu nuevo hogar o negocio de forma eficiente y puntual, a la vez que realizamos una mudanza segura y exitosa. Somos tu equipo de mudanzas local del vecindario y nos esforzaremos por ser los mejores en asegurar que nuestros clientes estén satisfechos y reciban servicios profesionales.
Nuestro equipo de profesionales realmente son los "Movers Who Care®" y llevan 150 años en total haciendo mudanzas. Estamos aquí para aplacar todas tus preocupaciones porque cada uno de nuestros empleados fue capacitado y asegurado, y es un experto en mudanzas. Hemos implementado programas de capacitación estrictos para todos nuestros empleados de mudanzas y conductores, así como nuestro personal de oficinas, para garantizar que sean profesionales y capaces de manejar cualquier tipo de pedido. Ayudamos constantemente a que nuestros clientes avancen, con nuestras 36 000 mudanzas, 190 000 horas de uso de camiones, 440 000 horas de mano de obra, podemos asegurarte que manejamos tu mudanza de la mejor manera.
Nos comprometeremos con todos los trabajos, sin importar el tamaño de la mudanza. TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® de Scottsdale se han vuelto especialistas en pequeñas mudanzas locales. Tenemos uno de los campus universitarios más grandes de la nación muy cerca. Sabemos que mudarse a un dormitorio puede ser estresante así que déjanos ayudarte a que la transición sea más sencilla. Arizona State University se ha convertido en el hogar de la mayoría de nuestros traslados universitarios. Te ayudaremos a mudarte de una casa, departamento o dormitorio de cualquier tamaño. Tenemos a un equipo de expertos servicial listo para ayudarte a mudarte a donde necesites.
Uno de los valores fundamentales de TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® es THE GRANDMA RULE® , que implica tratar a todo el mundo como le gustaría que trataran a su abuelita. Muchas de las personas mayores en nuestra comunidad se están mudando de la casa en la que han vivido por años a otra casa o residencia más pequeña y sabemos que puede ser un momento muy difícil. Nos esmeramos por superar todas las expectativas en el caso de nuestros mayores, para hacer esta transición lo más sencilla posible. Nuestro equipo profesional es paciente, cortés y puede ayudar a resolver cualquier problema que impida que los mayores de nuestra comunidad tengan la mejor mudanza posible.
Si estás buscando reubicar tu negocio de un edificio a otro, o incluso si es de un departamento a otro en el mismo edificio, estamos aquí para ayudarte con lo que necesites. Creemos que es importante ofrecer nuestros servicios a los negocios locales que se están mudando, sean grandes o pequeños. Tenemos un consultor a domicilio que observará rápidamente tu mobiliario y te dará una cotización lo más precisa y detallada posible. En TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Scottsdale estamos para ofrecerte todos nuestros servicios, a la vez que nos adecuamos a todas esas mudanzas especiales que requieren un personal de representantes de atención al cliente con experiencia.
Estamos a tu disposición para hablar de tu próxima mudanza. Llámanos hoy para conversar sobre los detalles con nuestro personal. Estamos entusiasmados de trabajar contigo y mostrarte ¡por qué en Scottsdale nos conocen como "Movers Who Care®!"
[Music Playing]
(Video starts out with the title "Moving Tips" displayed across the screen)
(Video cuts to a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Franchise Office Manager with a moving truck in the background)
When you're moving, you kind of have boxes all over the place.
I always recommend to have a clear path.
And if you want it to go faster, put a clear path
(Video shows a mover carrying a chair down a customer's hallway in their house)
and put the boxes towards the door.
That way they can just grab them and go.
(Video cuts to a mover with a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK moving truck in the background)
Being prepared, It's so many times we've, we've gone into customer homes where they weren't ready.
Like, you know what I mean?
Don't get me wrong, It's hourly,
(Video cuts to a franchise moving truck backing up)
but we're here to try to make you better in there.
(Video cuts back to mover)
But it's like we've come to some that they look like they just woke up that morning "Like, hey, I'm, I think I'm gonna move today" like, you know?
(Video cuts to the Warehouse Manager of the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Franchise)
Get a big sharpie, label every box and what room it's going to go into.
(A mover is shown unloading a loaded up MOVING TRUCK)
You're moving into a multi-family home, make sure that, you know, everything's labeled on what floor, whether it's going to an attic, to a basement, to
a kitchen, to a first bedroom, a second bedroom,
(Video cuts back to warehouse manager)
make that plan and have it all down on a piece of paper.
It will make your life a whole heck of a lot easier.
(Video cuts to operations manager)
Be honest on your estimate.
And then you get there and like, oh surprise, we got three more rooms.
We'll get it done, but it's nice heads up.
(Video cuts to an In-Home Estimator)
No loose items. So try and have everything boxed up, packed up, taped up.
The more organized you can be, the better your move goes.
(Video cuts a move manager)
You be ready and we're ready.
(Video and music end with the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK word logo and the video title "Moving" below it.
(Video starts out with Ukulele music in the background with three movers carrying boxes out of a customers home. The video title "Selecting a Moving Company Two Men And A Truck" is displayed on the screen)
(Video cuts to an interview of a customer service representative for a local Two Men And A Truck franchise.)
So finding a moving company can be difficult because moving is a very stressful situation.
A lot of times it comes, um, very unexpectedly.
Um, so they have to make, um, a very quick decision.
Um, and sometimes it's not the most informed, um,
and those that can make it very difficult.
(Video cuts to a Two Men And A Truck operations manager sitting at his desk)
Being able to move, you're, you're moving your whole life, you want to be able to make sure
whoever you choose can do everything you need, whether that's, you know, getting rid of any items you don't want anymore,
whether they can move every item that you have, you know, some moving companies may not be able to move certain things.
So a lot of people wanna be sure they choose a moving company that, you know, they could fully trust.
(The title "Guaranteeing security with your movers" displays on the screen for a few moments)
(Video cuts back to the customer service representative)
A reputable Moving company is usually licensed, bonded, and insured.
(Video cuts to a moving truck with the back opened)
(Two Movers carry a couch into the back of the moving truck)
Um, which basically means we're, we're registered with the state or, um, that we're operating in as well as, um, if someone were to get hurt on the job, the homeowner is protected
by our license and bonding.
(Video shows an employee typing on her computer)
Online reviews definitely have a, a very big effect on, you know, your, your business.
(Another employee using their computer)
So whenever I'm looking to go buy something online.
(Video cuts back to employee typing on her keyboard)
I'm, I'm, you know, looking at the reviews first and seeing what, what other people have said about, you know, set product or company.
(Video cuts back to operations manager sitting at his desk)
So you definitely wanna be able to take care of people where you can.
So, you know, you have those overwhelming positive reviews.
(video then shows the title "know what your paying for")
(Video cuts back to the customer service representative)
Two Men And A Truck deposits um are usually pretty low, um in terms of the total move cost.
(One mover is setting up orange in the road behind the moving truck)
And then they, for the most part are refundable up until a certain point.
(video show a mover carrying a wheel chock)
Um And they're applied to the move total.
(Video cuts back to the customer service rep)
They're not an additional fee.
(Video cuts to the title "Communication during the move process)
(Video cuts to the operations manager)
Communication is very important during the moving process.
(Customer service rep answering the phone)
Uh A lot of customers have, you know, they're always gonna have questions
that come across, you know, during the move.
(Video cuts to a moving truck driving in a parking lot)
And sometimes they're wondering if, you know, guys can take extra items and maybe the guys aren't quite sure.
So they'll be able to, you know, reach out to us and ask us if you don't have a good communication to start in the day, then things get kind of confusing.
(Video cuts to an interview of one of the movers)
Um for instance, for addresses and things like that or like even getting like carpet shield down for them just to make sure that their homes protected.
It's not um it's not a good thing to have them in the, in the dark about things.
It's good to be as open as you can with them and be as comfortable as you can with them just to kind of get them through the Day.
(Video ends with a call to action and the Two Men And A Truck logo and tagline "Movers Who Care")
(Video Starts out with the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Logo and piano music in the background)
(Video cuts to the title of the video "What Movers Can't Move")
(Video cuts to the words "What Items Won't You Move From My Garage" and cartoon graphic of a small garage with stuff piling out of it)
(A narrator begins speaking)
My garage is jam packed with stuff.
Are there any items you can't move for me?
(Video cuts to a graphic of the word "NO" with different hazard symbols in the letters. Underneath the graphic are the words Flammable, Explosive, Corrosive.)
Regardless of the circumstances, we will not move any flammable explosive or corrosive items.
(Video cuts to a graphic of a green tractor)
If you want us to move your lawnmower, snow blower or other machines that run on gasoline,
(A Gas tank appears and the tractor flips upside down and drains gas into the gas tank)
please be sure to drain the tank prior to moving day.
(Video cuts to a graphic of a bag that says "super plant grow, make your plants growier, fertilizer on it")
There are a number of hazardous materials we can't move including fertilizer,
(A fire extinguisher appears of the fertilizer)
fire extinguishers,
(A graphic of a car battery and multiple batteries appears above the other graphics)
(A bottle of bleach graphic appears)
household cleaners
(A propane tank moves across the screen with fire coming out of the bottom of it, making it look like a rocket)
and propane tanks.
(Video cuts to the "NO" graphic that appeared already)
For a complete list of hazardous materials, we won't move, contact your local two men in a truck office.
My house is full of potted plants.
(Video cuts to a gold pot, then a catus grows out of the pot)
How would the movers handle those?
(A series of animals move across the screen behind the cactus plant. Animal noises can be heard in the background)
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK doesn't transport any living things including plants and animals, depending on the weather.
Our trucks can get very hot or very cold inside.
There's also a lack of good air flow in the trucks.
Please be sure to make other arrangements for moving your pets and plants.
(The words "Will They Move My Food" appear on the screen)
I'm concerned my frozen food will thaw in your truck during the move.
What should I do?
(A variety of different cartoon food s appear on the screen)
For a variety of reasons Two men in a truck can't move perishable items including fresh refrigerated and frozen foods.
These items can rot spoil and smell in the truck.
Try to plan your meals to minimize the amount of food you have left.
(The words "Movers Can't Move Food" slow appear on the screen as the foods disappear one by one)
Come moving day, you will be responsible for transporting it or giving it away.
(Video cuts to the words "What personal items should I move" displaying on the screen)
What personal items should I plan to move myself?
(Video cuts to a graphic of cartoon jewelry, cash, and two stick figures with the words "take important items with you" at the above it)
We recommend cash, jewelry, photographs and important papers be taken with you as well as other items that may have strong
sentimental value.
(The RX symbol representing pharmacy appears on screen. Then a pill bottle appears on screen)
We also don't move prescription drugs because we don't want to pack anything on the truck that you may need in case of a life threatening illness.
(A table with pills on it appears)
(Video cuts to a graphic of a pill bottle, first aid kit, toilet paper, and a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Moving Day Box)
If you have items that you can't live without, we recommend keeping them with you during the move.
(Video cuts to a series of words of the things movers cannot move including the words "Movers Will Not Move," "Hazardous Materials," "plants and animals," "perishable items," "prescription drugs," "money," "sentimental and important items," and the disclaimer at the bottom "For a complete list, please contact your Local Two Men And A Truck Office.")
These are just some examples of items that we don't allow on the moving trucks for a complete list.
Please contact your local two men in a truck office by planning ahead.
You can help avoid last minute problems making moving day less stressful.
(Video ends by cutting to the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK stick figure logo, tagline "Movers Who Care," and the company website.)